Everything About On-Page SEO

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In this article, we are going to share everything about on-page SEO. We will cover all the topics we need to take care of while writing the content, and how we can optimize the content to enhance its SEO.

Everything about On-Page SEO

What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO refers to any change we make on our website to improve its visibility. Some of the examples of on-page SEO optimizations we can make on our website are

  • Update the title tag on the page.
  • Change the <h1> tag on the page.
  • Edit the meta description of the page.

These are some of the examples of on-page SEO optimizations.

3 Major Factors of On-Page SEO

Majorly, we need to focus on 3 factors of a website while doing the on-page SEO optimizations. They are

  1. URL
  2. SEO Title Tag
  3. Page Title(H1 Tag)

Along with them, we need to focus on H2 and H3 tags and then the content.

Optimizing the URL

This is the first factor we are focusing on for on-page SEO optimizations.

Let’s say we have a blog on yoga mats. We are publishing content related to yoga mats on our website. Let’s check the URLs we can keep related to that page with examples.

Example1: website.com/yoga-mats

Example2: website.com/yoga-mats-for-adults-in-usa

In the above examples, the first one will be the right choice for our web page as it is short and easy. The second example has many keywords which makes it look spammy.

Avoid Duplicates in the URL

Another thing we want to keep in mind as well, is that we need to avoid repeating words in the URL. For example, let’s say you have a website called yoga.com and let’s take two examples below

Example1: yoga.com/yoga-mats

Example2: yoga.com/mats

In the above examples, the right URL for the page would be the second one because in the first one, we have repetitive word yoga in the URL which makes it look keyword stuffed. So avoid repeating the same word in the URLs.

Optimizing the SEO Title Tag

The SEO title tag is the main heading text we will see in the Google search results. We need to get the main keyword towards the front of the title tag as it typically carries more weight and it’s a bigger ranking signal.

But we need to remember that the title should look natural not keyword-stuffed as it will create a negative impact on the website. The advisable length of the URL should be under 60 characters in length.

A good example of a good SEO title if we want to target a keyword let’s say “yoga clothes” would be “Yoga Clothes for Men and Women”. In this title, we are focusing on the main keyword “yoga clothes” and along with it, we are targeting the genders by including them in title.

The meta description used to play a significant role in ranking the website in the old days. But now, it no longer is the key role but still if we use keywords in the meta description, it will help our website to get more clicks.

Optimize the Page Title

The page title is the main title which represents our content. When it renders into the renders into the browser, it can be converted into an H1 tag. As we optimize the SEO title, we need to optimize the page title as well. They don’t need to be identical but they should hold similar keywords in them.

Image Alt Tag For SEO

Alt Text means the alternative texts which are also known as alt tags, that are used in HTML code to describe the image on a web page. It has many uses like

  • The alt tags help with web accessibility so that visually impaired users using screen readers will be able to read alt tags to better understand what an on-page image is about.
  • Alt tags can be displayed in place of an image if the image file cannot be loaded.
  • Alt tags provide better image context and description to search engineer crawlers, helping them index the image properly.

When it comes to alt text, we can simply put the description of what the image is about.

What is Internal Linking?

The internal link is nothing but a link from one webpage to another of the page related to the same website. When we link the other web pages of the same website in the content, it can increase the traffic of that website. This is a very good practice for on-page SEO which can increase the ranking of the website in Google’s eyes.

Let’s say we have a web page that gives information about the yoga mats. When the user lands on this webpage and goes through all the content on it, He may be interested in other products related to yoga.

So, if we have a web page let’s say about yoga clothes, we can link that web page into the yoga mat page which lets the users click on it to know more information about yoga clothes. This will help the website to get more clicks and Google also notices this internal linking and the time spent by the user on the website, If everything feels relevant, Google will increase the ranking of this website.

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